Creating a great digital product requires a combination of factors that work together in harmony. As a seasoned software developer with extensive experience as an interface designer, programmer, product owner and business manager, I have developed a mental model that summarizes what I believe is required to create a successful digital product.

I will now share my insights on the three key components necessary to create a great digital product: people, product design, and implementation.

1. Prioritize Your People

At the core of any successful digital product are happy and motivated people. As a product owner or manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team’s needs are met - both financially and psychologically.

A team with fulfilled aspirations is more likely to bring creativity and eagerness to the table, which will ultimately result in the development of exceptional products.

It is also crucial to provide your team with interesting challenges and give them the autonomy to solve them. While people can be complicated, they are the key to creating an excellent digital product – take care of your team.

When your team is happy and fulfilled, they can design products that meet the needs of your users while also exceeding their expectations.

2. Focus on Product Design

Creating a great digital product requires a creative mindset, passion, and experience in product design. Digital products exist to create value for their users. However, it is the overall experience that truly matters. How well designed the product is, how responsive it feels, and how customer support solves problems all play an intangible but important role in the success of a product.

Good design is the hallmark of an exceptional product, and users recognize it when they see it.

Take a moment to reflect on an application you like and consider why you find it so compelling. Chances are that the team behind the product spent quality time designing a great user experience that feels intuitive and pleasant to use.

3. Implement with Quality

The final key ingredient in creating a great digital product is quality implementation.

A good software works correctly at all times, is responsive and available, and recovers quickly from any faults. Additionally, it must scale to meet the needs of a growing number of users.

The ability to safely introduce changes to the software is also crucial; a good software health span and adaptability is influenced by how easily it can be understood and changed.

A great digital product and development process serves as an economic moat, protecting your company from competitors and ensuring that it remains on top of its game.

This supports your business by allowing business agility when dealing with changes in your market.

In conclusion, a great digital product is the result of a team of happy, motivated individuals with the autonomy to tackle interesting challenges, a focus on user-centered design, and a sound technical implementation.

By prioritizing your people, focusing on product design, and implementing with quality, you can develop a digital product that exceeds the expectations of your users and helps your business thrive.